

Psychometric & Talent Assessments

Negotiation & Conflict Mgt Assessments

Title: Conflict Mgt Styles (CMS)

Introducing the Conflict Management Styles (CMS) inventory: Inspired by the renowned Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI), this streamlined 15-item assessment offers a simplified yet powerful approach to understanding your approach to conflict resolution. While the TKI sets the standard for assessing conflict management techniques, the CMS is tailored to reveal your inherent conflict resolution preferences among five distinct styles: Assertive, Empathetic, Intermediary, Tactical, and Synergistic. These styles closely correspond to the TKI's original categories: Competing, Accommodating, Compromising, Avoiding, and Collaborating.

As you prepare to take the self-assessment of CMS, reflect on any work-related or social conflicts you've encountered over the past six months. Keep these situations in mind as you respond to the questions that follow. Remember, this assessment is designed for self-reflection, not evaluation—there are no 'right' or 'wrong' answers, only insights into your unique conflict management style. Unlock a deeper understanding of your conflict resolution tendencies today by taking the Conflict Management Styles inventory.


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